In times like this, where freedom is threatened everywhere, it is important to support an institute that aims to promote freedom, however limited by law and the rights of other people.
Time has come for liberty to prevail.
Thanks to our supporters and donors during the last years, the Institute has managed to survive. In 2022, we celebrated the 20-year anniversary of the Institute!
To continue this work we need you now more than ever! The Ludwig von Mises Institute–Europe has ambitious plans to increase its visibility and organize more conferences, more debates, and more publications – all in the quest to promote free market ideas and individual liberty. The Institue hopes to inspire people to read the good economic theory that goes with it because this economic theory becomes more and more important in times of inflation and government growth.
Invest in a lucrative project!
Invest in the future!
Young professionals are educated in writing reports, Op-Eds, newsletters, and articles, learning to evaluate and judge events as well as read academic writings and do administrative and organizational work.
As an independent institute, we strive to achieve our goals only through ourselves and those who share our ideals, with no implication from state institutions and no compromises.
This is why every donation, however small, is crucial to us!
In liberty,

Annette Godart-van der Kroon,
President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe
If you are willing to help us, you can donate money here: Via PayPal or via a transfer on BE09363001621657.
In return for your donation, you will receive the following:
~ For 50€ you will receive the quarterly Newsletters and invitations to the events organized by the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe
~ For 75€ you will receive the book Better Regulation or membership for one year
~ For more than 100€ you will receive a free dinner debate
~ For More than 200€ you will receive a book of the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe: Banking and Monetary Policy or for 150€ you can receive the book The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century
~ For 250€ as a member of LVMI Europe and 500€ as a non-member we offer you a half day Strategy Workshop conducted by our Board Member Ulrike Haug, Sempre Avanti in Germany. For more information send us a message to
Your donation will advance your principles — free enterprise, individual freedom, education, and progress.
Before making the donation, you must send an email to with the following information:
- First name
- Last name
- Company/Organization
- Donation amount
The donation should be made by transfer to the following account:
- Account number: 363-0016216-57
- IBAN number: BE09 3630 0162 1657
- Beneficiary: C/o Ludwing von Mises Institute – Europe
- Bank: ING Naamsesteenweg 121, Leuven 3001, Belgium
How to Donate to us:
We have a PayPal to make donating easier. You can access it HERE